Case overview
The client contacted us to address several aspects of her website. Initially, we performed a complete redesign using a new WordPress theme. We then adjusted the text and integrated videos and graphic elements.
Additionally, we made changes to the settings of Google tools, forms, and social media.
We completed the project by optimizing both organic and structural SEO to enhance the company’s visibility on search engines and to speed up page access for a better customer experience.

How it all began...
Initially, the business owner offered graphic design services, but over time, her professional path evolved toward the creation of promotional videos.
We therefore updated her website to meet her new needs while respecting her new brand identity.
Today, she has a well-established clientele, including major commercial enterprises.

Our Approach
We implemented a systematic and organized approach by establishing a clear sequence of steps before beginning the project.
In Phase 1, we focused on gathering relevant text content, importing and reformatting images, adjusting the website structure, and starting the integration process.
In Phase 2, our tasks included restructuring email systems and adding and configuring Google tools.
In Phase 3, we implemented organic and structural SEO strategies and collected analytics data.
In Phase 4, we optimized both organic and structural SEO.

The Results
Morbi malesuada, felis eget aliquam hendrerit, felis ex tincidunt mi, gravida facilisis leo nisi nec tellus. Aenean lobortis blandit turpis, sed sollicitudin metus auctor ac. Fusce lacinia interdum metus. Pellentesque et quam nisi. Sed fringilla gravida lorem, id rhoncus justo egestas sed.
Curabitur pharetra commodo enim, id cursus neque dapibus sed. Curabitur pellentesque faucibus purus, non finibus turpis pretium non. Donec tempor lectus sed tincidunt sodales. Proin lobortis, nibh eget tincidunt placerat, elit sem luctus est, sed cursus enim mauris vel odio.